Messages from Diverse Sources


Monday, May 1, 2023

It Was My Joseph, throughout His Fatherhood, Who Taught Us the Importance and Power of Holy Silence

Message From Our Lady of Emmitsburg to Gianna Talone-Sullivan, Emmitsburg, ML, USA


Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker

My dear little children,

Praised be Jesus!

When you reflect on My Son’s demeanor during His Passion, you will witness His Holy Silence. The infernal serpent was trying to verify if Jesus was the Son of God, and this was not revealed until My Son surrendered His Spirit. I also observed this Holy Silence throughout My Son’s Passion. It was My Joseph, throughout His fatherhood, who taught us the importance and power of Holy Silence. Evil only wants to destroy and the minions only seek to do so. What evil does not know protects you. This is why you are invited to put on your armor for God and bow to Him. I will protect you under My mantle and within My Most Immaculate Heart.

My Son, your King, son of David, came into this world, born of flesh, both body and soul. He is of royalty, under the Patriarch lineage of King David, and He defeated Satan. He loves you and understands you and your emotions. He desires to save and protect you.

My Joseph, son of David, will teach you the meaning of Holy Silence if you allow him. He protected the Holy Family. He taught My Son the importance of the dignity and integrity of manhood. How great was the dignity of My Joseph! Joseph is the highest of all the Angels and Saints. He is the most powerful Saint above all Saints. He is the Terror of Demons! He is the light bearer. He is the Patron of the Church! You would do well to seek His protection under His paternal Cloak of humility.

Pray little children for unity. Pray that this Pentecost God will grace you with many gifts.

Jesus your King will save you. Have perfect confidence in the providence of My Son.

Ad Deum

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